CEO Scott Winters Launches New Website
In January Winters launched a new website titled Plugged-In Performance. The new website is designed to be a source of information, links to helpful resources, and how-to articles.
“Concert multimedia is still a relatively new trend,” says Winters. “I get so many questions about basic equipment and set-up issues. The website can hopefully become a resource for concert producers who don’t do this every day.”
The website idea came out of strategic planning sessions at Ion.
“As our customer base grows we want to help those directors be as successful as they can be with their multimedia projects,” shared Winters. “We needed a way to train and support the Muséik user base that was not just Knowledge Base articles or tutorial videos. We also want to find ways to develop deeper relationships with our customers. Friendly and informative articles written in the first person seemed like the best approach.”
Winters says he hopes that over time the website can develop a small following and maybe even foster conversations about Visual Music and the future of concert multimedia. At the very least, he says he hopes the site can become a trusted source of information for show producers.
“If I had this site established a year ago when COVID struck it could have been so helpful to conductors as they produced digital performances for the first time.” He said. “I don’t want to miss the next opportunity to provide that kind of help.”
You can visit the new website at www.PluggedInPerformance.com. Several articles are already posted and more are on the way. While there, visitors can subscribe to receive notifications when new posts are published.